How to Tell if my Rose Quartz Gua Sha is Real?

rose quartz gua sha

If you are a fan of facial gua sha, you may have heard of the benefits of using a rose quartz gua sha. Rose quartz is a beautiful pink stone that is believed to have healing and rejuvenating properties. However, with the rise of popularity of gua sha, there are many fake rose quartz gua sha tools on the market that may not provide the same therapeutic benefits. In this post, we will guide you on how to tell if your rose quartz gua sha is real.

Characteristics of Real Rose Quartz

Before we get into the ways to test the authenticity of your rose quartz gua sha, it is important to understand the characteristics of real rose quartz. Rose quartz is a type of quartz that is usually pink in color, although it can vary in shade from pale pink to deep rose. Real rose quartz is also known for its translucency, which means you can see through it to some extent.

In terms of hardness, rose quartz has a Mohs hardness rating of 7, which means it is relatively hard and durable. When you run your fingernail over the surface of the stone, it should not scratch or leave any marks. However, if you apply enough pressure or use a sharp object, you may be able to leave a scratch.

It is also worth noting that real rose quartz is often slightly cloudy or may have natural inclusions, which are tiny mineral deposits or other imperfections within the stone. These are not flaws, but rather a sign that the rose quartz is genuine and has not been artificially created or treated.

Fake Rose Quartz

Unfortunately, there are many fake rose quartz gua sha tools on the market. Some of the most common types of fake rose quartz include:

  • Glass: Some sellers may market a glass tool as a rose quartz gua sha because glass can be made to look similar to rose quartz. However, glass is much harder than rose quartz and does not have the same therapeutic properties.
  • Resin: Resin is a synthetic material that can be easily molded into different shapes, including that of a gua sha tool. However, resin is much lighter and less durable than rose quartz and may not provide the same benefits.
  • Other stones: Some sellers may try to pass off other pink stones, such as dyed howlite or marble, as rose quartz. These stones may look similar to rose quartz, but they do not have the same energetic properties.

How to Test the Authenticity of Rose Quartz Gua Sha

Now that you know what to look for in genuine rose quartz and the types of fake rose quartz to avoid, let’s move on to how to test the authenticity of your rose quartz gua sha. Here are a few methods to try:

Scratch Test

One of the easiest ways to tell if your gua sha is made of real rose quartz is to perform a scratch test. Take a sharp object, such as a knife or a metal nail file, and try to scratch the surface of the stone. If the stone is real rose quartz, it should not scratch or leave any marks. However, if it is a fake rose quartz, it may scratch or leave a mark.

Weight Test

Another way to test the authenticity of your rose quartz gua sha is to check its weight. Real rose quartz gua sha stone from supplier is relatively heavy compared to other similar-sized stones. If your gua sha feels unnaturally light or weightless, it may be a fake.

Temperature Test

Rose quartz is known for its ability to hold onto temperature. A real rose quartz gua sha will feel cool to the touch even if it has been left out at room temperature for a while. If your gua sha feels warm or room temperature to the touch, it may be a fake.

Transparency Test

As mentioned earlier, real rose quartz has a certain level of translucency. Hold your gua sha up to a bright light and check if you can see through it. If the stone is opaque and you cannot see through it at all, it may be a fake.

Sound Test

Real rose quartz is known for producing a clear, ringing sound when tapped or struck against another object. Hold your gua sha up to your ear and gently tap it against something hard, such as a table or a metal object. If it produces a dull thud or a muted sound, it may not be real rose quartz.

Price Test

While this may not be a foolproof method, it is worth noting that genuine rose quartz gua sha tools are typically more expensive than fake ones. If you see a gua sha tool that is significantly cheaper than others on the market, it may be a fake. However, keep in mind that some sellers may mark up the price of fake rose quartz to make it seem like the real deal, so this should not be your only method of determining authenticity.


If you want to reap the benefits of rose quartz gua sha, it is important to make sure that your gua sha tool is made of genuine rose quartz. By following the methods mentioned above, you can test the authenticity of your gua sha tool and make sure that you are getting the real thing. Remember, real rose quartz is durable, slightly cloudy, and has a certain level of translucency. It should also feel relatively heavy compared to other similar-sized stones and produce a clear, ringing sound when tapped. With these tips in mind, you can be sure that your rose quartz gua sha is the real deal.