JetSeal Vs. Ceramic Coating: Which Is Better?

Electric vehicle

Choosing the right top coat for your car paint is crucial to protect its surface and ensure longevity. JetSeal and ceramic coating are two popular options for paint protection, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this blog post, we will compare the two products to help you make an informed decision.

Durability and Longevity:

When it comes to protective products, durability and longevity are key factors. JetSeal offers decent durability but is not etch-proof. It can last for around 12 months, depending on the parking conditions. On the other hand, ceramic coating provides superior durability. It is etch-proof, works well against stains, and can last for 3-4 years. Ceramic coating forms a nanoparticle layer over your paint, offering excellent protection against pollutants, water, and etching. It also acts as a reliable UV protectant.

Ease of Application:

JetSeal is known for its ease of application. It is simple to apply and work with, making it suitable for those who prefer a hassle-free process. You just need to clean the car surface, remove dust and debris, and start applying JetSeal. After spraying, wait for about 40 minutes, and you’re done. On the other hand, ceramic coating requires more effort and time for application. You need to clean the surface, use a machine polisher to prime it, apply the ceramic coating, wait for a few minutes, buff it up, and let it sit for a day without contact with water or grease. The texture of ceramic coating can make the process slightly more challenging, but it’s still manageable.


Maintenance is an essential aspect of protective coatings. JetSeal requires more maintenance and regular touch-ups. It is harder to clean and remove stains from, and the protective layer is thinner, making it more susceptible to damage. To address any issues with JetSeal, you will likely need to redo the entire application. On the other hand, ceramic coating is easier to clean and maintain. Its thicker protective layer allows for easier stain removal, and it doesn’t require frequent touch-ups. A silica-based spray is usually sufficient for retouching the ceramic coating.


Price is a significant differentiating factor between JetSeal and ceramic coating. JetSeal is more affordable, with prices ranging from $19.49 to $39.99, depending on the container size. Ceramic coating, on the other hand, is pricier, with products ranging from $25.99 to $209.99, depending on the specific product and size.

Which One Should You Choose?

The choice between JetSeal and ceramic coating ultimately depends on your personal preferences and priorities. If you value ease of application and affordability, JetSeal is a solid option. It is easy to work with and more budget-friendly. However, keep in mind that JetSeal has a shorter lifespan, requires more maintenance, and doesn’t provide water resistance.

If you prioritize long-lasting protection and superior performance, ceramic coating is the better choice. It offers excellent durability, stain resistance, and UV protection. Although it is harder to apply and comes at a higher price point, ceramic coating provides a more comprehensive and long-term solution for your car’s paint protection needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is the difference between JetSeal and ceramic coating?

JetSeal is a paint sealant that offers good durability but is not etch-proof. It lasts around 12 months and is easier to apply and work with but requires more maintenance. Ceramic coating, on the other hand, provides superior durability and longevity, lasting around 3-4 years. It is etch-proof, offers better stain resistance, and is easier to maintain.

Does JetSeal provide water resistance?

No, JetSeal does not provide water resistance. Its protective layer is not water-resistant, making it more susceptible to water damage.

Is ceramic coating harder to apply compared to JetSeal?

Yes, ceramic coating requires more effort and time to apply compared to JetSeal. It involves cleaning the surface, using a machine polisher for priming, and a longer curing time. The texture of ceramic coating can make the application process slightly more challenging.

Which product offers better protection against UV rays?

Ceramic coating is a better UV protectant compared to JetSeal. The nanoparticle layer formed by ceramic coating helps shield your car’s paint from the harmful effects of UV rays.

How often does JetSeal need to be redone?

JetSeal typically needs to be redone every 12 months, depending on the parking conditions and environmental factors that may affect its longevity.

Can ceramic coating be applied on top of existing JetSeal?

It is not recommended to apply ceramic coating on top of existing JetSeal. For optimal results, it is advised to remove the JetSeal and properly prep the surface before applying ceramic coating.

Does ceramic coating require touch-ups?

Ceramic coating does not require frequent touch-ups. In case of any minor damage or wear, a silica-based spray can be used to retouch the protective layer.

Is ceramic coating worth the higher price?

The higher price of ceramic coating is justified by its superior durability, long-lasting protection, and enhanced performance. If you value long-term paint protection and are willing to invest in a higher-quality product, ceramic coating is worth considering.

Can I apply JetSeal or ceramic coating by myself, or do I need professional assistance?

Both JetSeal and ceramic coating can be applied by yourself, as long as you follow the instructions provided by the manufacturers. However, if you are uncertain or want to ensure a professional application, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a professional detailer.

Can JetSeal or ceramic coating be used on any type of car paint?

JetSeal and ceramic coating are generally compatible with most types of car paint, including clear coats. However, it is always recommended to check the product instructions and perform a spot test on a small area before applying them to the entire surface of your car.

In conclusion

while JetSeal may be suitable for those seeking affordability and ease of application, ceramic coating emerges as the superior option due to its longevity and enhanced protective properties. Consider your specific requirements and budget when making your decision.